Alora Library
Library for using Alora shield
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LSM9DS1 Member List

This is the complete list of members for LSM9DS1, including all inherited members.

_autoCalc (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
_mAddress (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
_xgAddress (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
aBias (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
aBiasRaw (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
accelAvailable() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
aRes (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
ax (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
ay (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
az (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
calcAccel(int16_t accel) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
calcaRes() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
calcgRes() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
calcGyro(int16_t gyro) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
calcMag(int16_t mag) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
calcmRes() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
calibrate(bool autoCalc=true) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
calibrateMag(bool loadIn=true) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
configAccelInt(uint8_t generator, bool andInterrupts=false) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
configAccelThs(uint8_t threshold, lsm9ds1_axis axis, uint8_t duration=0, bool wait=0) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
configGyroInt(uint8_t generator, bool aoi, bool latch) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
configGyroThs(int16_t threshold, lsm9ds1_axis axis, uint8_t duration, bool wait) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
configInactivity(uint8_t duration, uint8_t threshold, bool sleepOn) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
configInt(interrupt_select interupt, uint8_t generator, h_lactive activeLow=INT_ACTIVE_LOW, pp_od pushPull=INT_PUSH_PULL) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
configMagInt(uint8_t generator, h_lactive activeLow, bool latch=true) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
configMagThs(uint16_t threshold) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
constrainScales() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
enableFIFO(bool enable=true) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
gBias (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
gBiasRaw (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
getAccelIntSrc() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
getFIFOSamples() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
getGyroIntSrc() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
getInactivity() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
getMagIntSrc() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
gRes (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
gx (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
gy (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
gyroAvailable() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
gz (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
I2CreadByte(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
I2CreadBytes(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t *dest, uint8_t count) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
I2CwriteByte(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
init(interface_mode interface, uint8_t xgAddr, uint8_t mAddr) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
initAccel() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
initGyro() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
initI2C() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
initMag() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
initSPI() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
LSM9DS1(interface_mode interface, uint8_t xgAddr, uint8_t mAddr) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
LSM9DS1() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
magAvailable(lsm9ds1_axis axis=ALL_AXIS) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
magOffset(uint8_t axis, int16_t offset) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
mBias (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
mBiasRaw (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
mReadByte(uint8_t subAddress) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
mReadBytes(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t *dest, uint8_t count) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
mRes (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
mWriteByte(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
mx (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
my (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
mz (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
readAccel() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
readAccel(lsm9ds1_axis axis) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
readGyro() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
readGyro(lsm9ds1_axis axis) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
readMag() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
readMag(lsm9ds1_axis axis) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
readTemp() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
setAccelODR(uint8_t aRate) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
setAccelScale(uint8_t aScl) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
setFIFO(fifoMode_type fifoMode, uint8_t fifoThs) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
setGyroODR(uint8_t gRate) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
setGyroScale(uint16_t gScl) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
setMagODR(uint8_t mRate) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
setMagScale(uint8_t mScl) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
settings (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
sleepGyro(bool enable=true) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
SPIreadByte(uint8_t csPin, uint8_t subAddress) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
SPIreadBytes(uint8_t csPin, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t *dest, uint8_t count) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
SPIwriteByte(uint8_t csPin, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
tempAvailable() (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
temperature (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1
xgReadByte(uint8_t subAddress) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
xgReadBytes(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t *dest, uint8_t count) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected
xgWriteByte(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data) (defined in LSM9DS1)LSM9DS1protected